Kalimantan is the Indonesian portion of the island of Borneo.The name Kalimantan which is often spelled Klemantan was derived from Sanskrit word: Kalamanthana which means "burning weather island", or island with a very hot temperature to describe its hot and humid tropical climate.
Well known for its tropical forests, rich natural resources, and exotic flora and fauna, Kalimantan offers a unique, unexplored world of its own. Originally inhabited by the Dayak, it is now home to 10 million inhabitants with a variety of culture. Rivers plays a very important role in communication and economy of the inhabitants. Discover Central Kalimantan, visit the Orang utan National Park / Tanjung Puting National Park. See the Orang Utan ( Pongo pygmeus ) and other wildlife; agile gibbons, black handed gibbons (hylobates agilis), gray gibbons, proboscis monkeys, crab-eating macagues, larges dragonflies, a several large birds such as hornbilis, eagles & kingfishers, etc.